March 10, 2014

Finally a Warm Day!

It has been quite a while since I last made a post! We had the dreaded flu virus make it's rounds in our house over the past week and a half. No matter how hard we tried to avoid it we still wound up with it! I'm hoping it's past us now. You may know that as a mom some things must go on the back burner while you are busy trying to get everyone healthy again so that is what happened with the blog. I had to put it aside for a while as we were all recovering!

Today was a beautiful day! For the first time this year I opened the windows and turned the heat off. Too bad it is not predicted to last as tomorrow is suppose to be back in the 40's....come on Mother Nature....just make it Spring time already!

I and the kids are excited to get outside and breathe in the fresh air. We ventured outside for a little bit today. Our lawn furniture and outside toys are all still packed away in the shed and garage... so my three-year-old searched the yard for bugs with her magnify glass while my nine-month-old enjoyed looking around and listening to the fun sounds outside from the safety of his exersaucer!

When my daughter started to get bored of searching for bugs she joined me with gathering up twigs and sticks in the yard. I had her make a pile of them on the drive way. This kept her attention for quite a while! That was until it was time to go inside to give little brother his afternoon bottle!

We hope this little "tease" of warm weather does not make it too hard on us when it gets colder again in the next day or two. It sure is a reminder how much we are ready for Spring to come and stay for a while!

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