July 7, 2014

Deep Cleaning High Chairs & Pack and Plays!

Did you know you can deep clean your child's high chair and their pack and play? I just found this out and decided to try it. I am so happy I did! 

I didn't think they were that dirty....after seeing the water I was shocked! You will be so happy you did this!

This is what you'll need:
  • A bath tub and water
  • A cap-full of laundry detergent (I used liquid Tide)
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • A couple splashes of vinegar
  • Outside space to allow the items to air dry
  • A garden hose and water 
Here's what I did to clean them:
  1. Fill your tub with warm water. 
  2. Mix in the detergent, baking soda, and vinegar. 
  3. Place your high chair or pack and play into the water (the water only covered the bottom half). 
  4. Let the high chair soak for 15 minutes on one side then flip it over to the other side for an additional 15 minutes. Soak the pack and play for 30 minutes on one side and then flip it over for an additional 30 minutes....I soaked the removable mat for about 15 minutes on each side as well. 
  5. After the items soaked I held them up for a minute or two to drain off the excess water. 
  6. Then I placed them into an empty laundry basket to transport outside (so they would not drip all over our wood floor on the way out).
  7. I set the pack and play and the high chair up outside on our back patio and sprayed them with water from our garden hose. Making sure I rinsed off all the detergent and dirty water. 
  8. I then left the pack and play and high chair outside to air dry for about 3-4 hours. After each hour I went out to check on them and flip them to a new side if needed.

I was amazed and shocked at how dirty the water was after these items soaked! I thought I did a good job of cleaning them (especially the high chair) after each use! I showed the dirty water to my husband after they soaked and even he was shocked.  We both agree that they look sparkly clean and brand new! 

I have two more pack and plays and another high chair for daycare use that will definitely be getting this deep clean bath this coming weekend!

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