February 3, 2014

Books...and Trains?

One night last week we decided to check out our nearby Barnes and Noble as we had heard it was having a large clearance sale. The sale was a bit of a bust. I'm guessing you have to get there early on during the start of the sale to get the best selection. But what we did take away was about an hour of entertainment for your three year old daughter. My eight month old son slept most of the time in his car seat which was great for allowing mommy and daddy to look around a bit. It's been a while since I have spent more than 10 minutes in a Barnes and Noble. Did you know they have a whole section of kids toys now? I sure didn't know! While my husband and I took turns looking around the store and staying with the kids our daughter played at the train table.

She really enjoyed it as she loves Thomas the Train right now. I also saw a Lego table but there were lots of little kids there so my daughter was not all that interested. During one (we had to take two) trips to the "little girls room" I saw they had a schedule of upcoming events and book readings. I also saw a brochure for the Barnes and Noble Kids Club. I took one of each, folded it, and stuck it in my pocket knowing I would have to read it later at home when I was less distracted. Shortly after the trip to the bathroom, we bundled back up (it was about 15 degrees outside), waved good-bye until next time to the train table and headed to our next destination.

The next day I finally sat down to take a look at the upcoming events flyer and the Kids Club brochure I had stuck in my pocket. I was excited to see a few activities that fell on the weekend. I was aware they had book readings during the week but unfortunately have not be able to get to any of them but was unaware they had some on the weekend as well. Here is a link to see if a Barnes and Noble near you is holding any weekend activities. We are planning to take our kids to one this weekend that includes a Valentine's Day children's book reading, Valentine's crafts, and cookies. Next I read the brochure about the kids club. I decided to look up more using the web address provided on the brochure. Click here for the Kid's Club website or you can sign in in store. If you sign up online they will mail you a Kid's Club card. You get special bonuses and near your child's birthday you will be sent a certificate for a free cupcake or cookie from their cafe. You also can opt to sign up for a newsletter which will be emailed to you with upcoming children's events. I signed up both my kids now I'm just waiting for the card to arrive in the mail. We are looking forward to the event this weekend. I hope it turns out as good as it sounds!

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