April 14, 2014

What is in Your Child's Diaper Bag?

I'm often told I'm an over-organized, over-prepared mom....I take it as a compliment! I'd much rather be over-prepared than under-prepared. So one of the questions I often get from friends and family is what is in your diaper bag?

Keep in mind that my diaper bag is used for a infant (now 10-months-old) and a toddler (three-years-old).

I have used and come into contact with a lot of different diaper bags in all the years I've been working in the child care field. First you'll want a bag that is heavy duty/sturdy but can be put through a wash machine as it will get dirty. I also like the bags that have a strap that fits over your upper body....not just over one shoulder. When you are trying to keep track of multiple kids like me (a toddler and an infant) you'll want your hands free. I also like diaper bags that have lots of pockets on both the inside and the outside to help organize everything better.

Here is what I keep in our bag..... (keep in mind it will vary by family and what stage your kiddo(s) are in (ex. potty training toddler vs. newborn baby)...


 Front pockets:
* Hand sanitizer (only used if no running water is available). We use this after playing at the park or when in the car.
* Extra bib
* Coloring pages, a small notepad, and crayons (for my toddler....we use them when waiting at an appointment our when out at a restaurant that does not have them already)
* Laminated family photographs (my daughter loves to look at these when she is missing mommy and daddy....as a daycare provider I love these for when the child I am watching is missing their parents)
* Extra bags (to throw nasty diapers in when a trash can is not available, dirty clothing from a blow out diaper, etc). I keep the little bags that the newspaper comes in and use it for this. I also use grocery bags.
* Burp rags (for my infant)

Inside front pocket:
Note....everything is kept in small zip top type baggies to keep items clean or keep items with liquid from exploding on everything else.

* Extra thermometer .... They gave one to us at the hospital when we had our children. I also keep alcohol wipes to clean the thermometer off before use. There is also one of those bulb suction things. I used it often when my little ones were really little in the winter time.
* Extra tissues
* Comb and extra hair ties (for my toddler)
* Lotion
* Band-aids and ointment (for lots of little toddler boo-boos ).
* Infant Tylenol
* Hand wipes (we get these for free when we eat out at BBQ type places...we just grab a few extra and toss them in the diaper bag)

* Diapers (for my infant)
* Pull-ups (for my toddler). She is now potty trained (with very few accidents) so I only keep one in there now just in case.
* Small books (for long waits)
* Snacks...even mommy needs a snack once in a while!

* Extra plate, fork and spoon .... you never know when you'll need one. We just used ours this past weekend when we were on a quick trip out of town. I keep it in a gallon size baggie to keep it clean.
* Extra snacks....fruit snacks for my toddler and cereal for my infant
* Receiving blanket
* Seasonal Items.....ex. hats and mittens in winter, sunglasses and sunscreen in the summer
* A zip top baggie with little toys (we have the little characters from the Shrek movie) 

 Extra pouch (came with the diaper bag):
* Diapers
* Wipes
* Diaper rash ointment
* Note pictured: I keep a few pairs of rubber gloves for blow-out diapers and an extra trash bag in there too. I also have a changing pad which I forgot to stick in the picture.

Each child has their own bag with extra clothing for blow outs, spit ups, or big messes. 

Infant's Clothing Bag:
* Two onsies (pay attention to sizes and seasons)
* Socks
* Since it was winter when I took this picture I also had an extra hat and mittens as these get lost easily

Toddler's Clothing Bag:
* Extra underwear (as we are potty training)
* Extra shirt
* Two extra pairs of pants (because we are potty training)
* Pair of pajamas ... for the rare times we run late getting home we get our daughter changed before she falls asleep in her car seat.
* Extra socks

Side pockets:
* Extra bottles
* Sippy cups 

Other items you may consider:
* Infant formula (if used) 
* Nursing cover, breast pads, 
* pacifier
* Emergency Information
* Nail clippers
* Shirt for mom (for spit ups, leaks, etc) 

You'll be amazed by how much you can really fit in there if it's packed well! Put items you use often toward the top or in a pocket for easy access. Replace items that are too small or are for the wrong season. 

Remember, items change based upon child's needs, age, developmental stage (ex. potty training), etc. Also swap out clothing depending upon the seasons. Replace diapers and wipes as your supply gets low. You don't want to be out in the middle of the day in the middle of no where with a blow-out diaper and no way to clean it up! Yuck!

What do YOU keep in your child's diaper bag?

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